Just Swim Health and Safety
This is a listing of most frequently asked questions compiled to get you back in swim lessons. They focus on social distancing, disinfecting, and other preventative measures. They are subject to change based on updated information and recommendations from local, state and federal authorities.
We are offering ongoing monthly year round sessions.
We have gathered information from swim schools around the country and around the world. We are confident that we can provide a safe environment for your children to continue learning to swim.
What are my lesson options?
In the first phase of our reopening we are offering:
- Group Classes – Max 2 per class
- Parent and Tot Classes – Max 3 per class
- Private 1 on 1
All classes will be 25 minute classes to allow five minutes for a smoother transition of swimmers and families from the pool and facility while also allowing staff time to maintain equipment.
Class sizes
During our initial phase there will be a maximum of 2 classes in the water at one time, with the exception of Parent and Tot Classes. Parent and Tot classes will be taught at a 3 student to 1 teacher ratio.
We will re-evaluate over time. We are adapting to the ever changing situation and will keep you informed of what we will do in the future.
How will Just Swim be different?
All staff that are not in the water will be wearing face masks. We ask everyone visiting our facility to wear a face mask as well. Children will not be wearing face masks while in the water
All instructors in the water will be wearing face shields. While the face shield may be a strange sight to your child, we will be working on making the shields as fun as possible. We will be posting a photo so that you can show your child what this will look like. The face shields are for your child’s protection and the instructor’s protection.
During our initial phase we will have a Wrap –n- Go policy. We ask that students arrive in their swim suits and immediately after class wrap in a towel and exit facility. With the exception of those children that need to change from swim diapers.
Our goal is to maintain Just Swim’s commitment to creating a warm and loving environment while also keeping your children and our instructors safe.
What can I do to keep Just Swim safe for me and my family?
We will be asking the following questions of everyone entering the facility. Our teachers will be answering the same questions every day.
Have you been ill with fever, chills, cough or body aches in the last 14 days?
Has anyone in your household had these symptoms in the last 14 days?
Have you or anyone in your household traveled internationally in the last 14 days?
Have you been told by a healthcare provider that you should self-quarantine due to potential COVID-19 exposure or you are suspected of having COVID-19?
What about Make-ups?
Make ups will be available but limited as we have reduced classes and reduced class sizes.
We want to reduce the crossover of swimmers.
We will be constantly learning as we move through this time. We are trying to make everything as simple as possible as we start. These policies will change over time.
Who can come to swim lessons?
We are asking only one caregiver per child.
My other child who is not swimming and I have no other option but to bring them.
If your family has no other choice, bring the sibling and keep them close to you.
My 2 children swim one after the other. What can I do with them when they are not swimming?
Keep them close to you and please respect social distancing.
If a baby swims with one parent, can the other parent attend?
We prefer one parent comes per child.
We understand that there may be situations where two adults are needed.
Is it safe to swim?
Yes the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) issued guidance that it is safe to swim as the virus cannot be spread via properly chlorinated and maintained water. Our pools meet or exceed the health standards recommended by the CDC and local authorities.
Here is a link to CDC about pools and COVID-19 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/water.html
What is Just Swim doing to comply with physical distancing?
One care-taker per child inside the pool area.
Chairs/benches on the pool deck will be 6 ft apart and we ask you to be mindful of others and be patient while occupying shared spaces.
We ask that students arrive only 5 minutes before their scheduled class time to keep occupancy numbers within guidelines and walkways clear.
We will have an entrance gate and an exit gate.
What is Just Swim doing to keep the facility clean?
We have always followed CDC cleaning protocols and those set out by other health professionals and authorities.
We have always followed the Florida Department of Health and CDC Guidelines for proper pool maintenance.
The pool will be wiped down with disinfectant throughout the day.
Disinfecting wipes will be available throughout the facility and changing areas.
The use of pool toys will be scaled back and all toys and equipment will be disinfected between uses.
Hand sanitizer will be available.
What type of Personal Protective Equipment is being used?
Face coverings are recommended for all adults and children.
This is applicable to employees and swim school families.
Face shields will be worn by swim instructors in the pool.
Face Masks will be worn by all staff when not in the pool.
Other procedures for a safer environment
Personal Protective Equipment will be worn by the Just Swim team.
We will be adjusting techniques to practice proper distancing while maintaining safety.
We will be constantly learning as we move through this time. These policies will change over time. We are adapting to the ever changing situation and will keep you informed of what we will do in the future.
We are grateful for our extended Just Swim Family. We take the safety of your family and our team seriously. Thank you for working with us to put these best practices in place. We will do our absolute best to create a great environment for you and your family.