Just Swim Wave Breakers : Students must know all 4 competitive strokes and be able to swim at least 25 yards of each stroke. We focus on improving technique of all four competitive strokes and while increasing endurance. Our Wave Breaker group is our pre-team/competition group. Swimmers in this group must get approval from the Head Coach to join this group.
Prerequisite: Complete Level 5 skills
Emphasis: Emphasis: Pre swim team – For those students preparing for competitive swimming
- 2 consecutive lengths of the pool Butterfly
- 2 consecutive lengths of the pool Breaststroke
- 4 consecutive lengths of the pool backstroke
- 4 consecutive lengths of the pool Freestyle
- Alternate side breathing
- Beginning flip turns
- Circle Swimming
- Basic Breaststroke
- Proper Butterfly
- Focus on technique
- Competitive swimming strokes
- Endurance swimming
- Individually Medley
- Introduce Race strategy
- Multiple Lengths of the pool for time
All Online registrations and enrollment must be approved by our office to insure appropriate class is selected. You will not be charged until we confirm enrollment into the appropriate class.